Instructor Loftley is the owner and operator of Protect Self Defense, LLC. Instructor Loftley is currently a middle school science teacher with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and a Master's Degree in Health Education. She is also a certified police officer with 12 years experience served as a patrol officer, field training officer, front line supervisor and an investigator in the Major Crimes Unit. Instructor Loftley has a 1st Degree Black belt in Tae Kwon Do and a 1st Degree Black Belt in Japanese Jujitsu and is currently a purple belt under Prof Ben Rhodes and Master Pedro Sauer in Jujitsu. She serves as an Adjunct Instructor in Self Defense at the University of South Carolina.
Instructor Loftley has also taken instructor certification courses in Women's Self Defense and has also received additional instructor training in Torrence, California.
Instructor Loftley has a busy schedule herself. However, she has a strong desire to share her knowledge and skills in self defense training with people who are on the go.